Frequently Asked Questions

Our whistleblowing hotline has been established to allow reports related to any issues related to misconduct, violation of compliance rules and code of conduct, corruption, fraud, harassment, embezzlement, theft, health & safety violations, cover-ups and nepotism to be directed to our governing body.
The hotline can be used by our overall stakeholder.
The Governing Body will review the report, and any indication of misconduct will be addressed by implementing necessary actions.
Yes. The rules of confidentiality are strictly enforced. Your complete identity must be given to us so that your report can be processed further, but confidentiality will be strictly maintained. We will not inform your identity to PT Integrity Indonesia except with your permission.

Your data will be deleted in the following cases:

  • Upon request from Canary's client
  • At the end of the contract between Canary operator and our client
  • Upon request of whistleblower in case whistleblower has provided his/her personal data
No. There is no reward for reporting any issue.
Yes. The whistleblower has the privilege to create an account and add additional information whenever available. The whistleblower can communicate with the whistleblowing team through this interface.